Sunday, April 01, 2007

live traffic info on google maps!

I don't know how long it has been there, but I noticed a button on google maps today labeled "traffic" I clicked on it and saw this overlay. After consulting the help docs, I found that:
  • Green: more than 50 miles per hour
  • Yellow: 25 - 50 miles per hour
  • Red: less than 25 miles per hour
  • Gray: no data currently available
As you can see, on this sunny, Sunday afternoon in Clifton, there isn't much traffic around my local intersection.

Fun stuff, thought I should share. If I have to nit-pick, it sucked that I had to consult help to figure out what I was looking at. Seems like they could have a key that appeared with the overlay to make that a bit easier. In any case, it's still pretty darn cool and google amazes me once again.

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